2025/03/14 07:06

The Pink Cow - cool place, yummy food!   THE EVENT IN SEPTEMBER 

The Pink Cow - cool place, yummy food!   THE EVENT IN SEPTEMBER 

The Pink Cow is a restaurant, art bar and funky space located near both Shibuya and Omotesando Stations where you can enjoy homemade international dishes, a wide selection of wines and beers, art and music and fun events in a relaxing setting. We are a community responsible business, supporting the arts, music and community charities and we encourage all of our friends and customers to join us in the fun!


*The September Cow*

Tues., Sept. 1st – Poker and Games Night – Cigars OK!
(every tues)
Tuesday night chill out with card games! Bring cards, games, chips and friends for good old fashioned fun! Beers & Burritos as always! For these nights we will let people relax with their cigars as well:)

Thurs., Sept. 3rd – PCC Night
Pink Cow Connections (PCC) #65
Tokyo's Coolest Networking Event!
Business Networking and Learning in English
Date: September 3, 2009 (Thursday)

Doors open: 19:00. Presentations start at 19:30.

Topic: "HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE" - Tips & Tricks for Building and Monetizing a Website for Non-Techies

Our presenter, Honor Dargan, first became interested in website building back in 2005 when she set up her first website about one of her favorite holiday destinations - Bali. It was an ambitious idea but hard to bring to fruition, and after about 6 months she gently laid her first site to rest. However, Honor didn't give up at that stage, but learned from her mistakes and is now the busy owner of successful website TokyoTopia.com. TokyoTopia is a website dedicated to short-term and long-term visitors to Tokyo. The goal of Honor's website is clear: "Tokyo Made Simple".

Honor declares herself a non-tecchie, but is passionate about helping others learn how they can use the web to grow their own online businesses without having to be a tech guru.

In this presentation Honor will be sharing information about some of the services available to build a website as well as looking at ways to earn income from your efforts. Some of the key points that Honor will be addressing during her talk will be:

1. The key differences between online and offline businesses.
2. How to build a website that works.
3. An overview of the various monetization options available.
4. The affiliate marketing model and how it works.

After her presentation Honor will spend time taking questions from the audience and addressing specific topics as requested.

If you've ever wanted to make money online by building and monetizing a website but didn't know where to start, be sure to attend PCC #65 on September 3rd at the Pink Cow!!

Entry: ¥2,000, includes light food.
Doors open at 7pm.


Email questions to: ajblick@gmail.com

Please register and feel free to post messages, comments or questions on our facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=72101140281
Live webcast if you can’t join us at: http://www.ustream.tv/thepinkcow

=== SPONSORS ===

The Pink Cow - cool place, yummy food!
AP Promotions - Talent & Event Management, Promotion, and Marketing http://www.appromotions.net
CVP http://hq.andrewshuttleworth.com/

***Fri./Sat. Night amazing buffet as always. ¥2,800pp, 7-10pm. Great for Birthday parties or other special occasions!

Sat., Sept., 5th – Pink Cow 9 Year Anniversary Party and the Family B-day Bash!
Come join us in celebrating 9 whole years of Cowness! It will also be the b-days of some of our most illustrious Pink Cow family, Naoya, Eain and Faii:) oh so much to celebrate and so much fun to be had! We will have lots of great music and entertainment to enjoy free!

Yummy Buffet Avaialble7-10pm 2,800yen
Rsvp for dinner at cowmail@thepinkcow.com

Sun., Sept. 6th – COW JAM!
Monthly gig & live jam session!

Come and hang with the herd!
Listen to those dulcet moos and rockin' improvs from regularly appearing cowhands!
Randomly including:

Missing Scene
And Guests

If you wanna show us your moosical talents, email David at cowjam@thepinkcow.com
to join in the shindig! If everyone brings 5-10 friends for dinner we will all have a good audience!
Limited time slots are available so sign up soon.

Regular & Guest acts are followed by a live jam at the end of the evening.
The JAM is on toast from 7pm, but come early for the fabulous Pink Cow grub and the best seats in the barn!
Rock'n'moo Tokyo!
7pm - No Music Charge

Tues., Sept., 8th – Poker and Games Night – Cigars OK!
(every tues in Aug)
Tuesday night chill out with card games! Bring cards, games, chips and friends for good old fashioned fun! Beers & Burritos as always! For these nights we will let people relax with their cigars as well:)

From 7pm until far too late for our own good I am sure!

Wed., Sept. 9th – Don’s Bike Night
Bike Night with the Half-fast Cyclists:
If you travel on two non-motorized wheels in this city, whether those wheels are mountain, road, recumbent, mama-chari or any combination thereof, you’re invited to the continuing meetings of the Half-fast Cyclists. Share your experience and experiences, meet other cyclists, arrange rides & races, trade stuff, learn stuff, join a club, and of course quaff a few beers or grab some grub. Ride your bike! halffastcycling@hotmail.com

From 7 or 8pm, or whenever they show up – NO CHARGE!

Thurs., Sept., 10th – AITEN Film & Live Music
Amnesty International Tokyo English Network (AITEN) Public Meeting

Tuesday, 10th September 2009 from 7:00 pm (Doors open 6:30 pm)

The Pink Cow, Shibuya, Tokyo www.thepinkcow.com

One-hour documentary film with introduction and discussion led by Arudou Debito, (blogger www.debito.org, Japan Times columnist, and author of Japanese Only and Handbook for Newcomers)


Shot in March 2008 by a German-Japanese film crew in Tokyo. The movie shows migrants from China, Brazil and elsewhere fighting for their rights as workers and citizens. The persons concerned are always at the centre of interest. While describing their situation, they are the protagonists of the movie.

A 500 yen donation will be collected at the door.
Come early for dinner and the best seats!
Great Pink Cow food and drinks available to order at the bar!

Watch the movie trailer: http://www.vimeo.com/2276295
Read more about AITEN: www.aiten.org

From 10 pm, live music by Australian singer/songwriter Steve McLeod!

From Melbourne, Australia, Steve McLeod - singer, songwriter, guitarist, got hooked to music at 4 years old after seeing a Prince video. He began studying classic piano. By his early teens his love and understanding of music had grown, wanting to learn more instruments and styles. The guitar became his main focus, then the drums, bass and songwriting.

After high-school, Steve started experimenting with original compositions. His love for jazz found him in Los Angeles at Richie Kotzen's recording studio, recording a solo jazz-instrumental album.Whilst working on this material, Steve was working on productions and songwriting for various Australian bands and singers. One demo even caught the eye of EMI's Executive Director, who encouraged Steve to take a more rock, vocal direction - closer to his initial experimenting.

In 2006/07 Steve moved to Los Angeles where he attended the Musician's Institute, furthering his musical landscape. During this time studying and working on his album, Steve wrote and produced music for Emmy Award winning TV in the U.S.

With his debut album "Human Uniform" now completed - Steve wrote, produced, arranged, sang all vocals, played all instruments on this album. It was recorded in various studios in Los Angeles and Melbourne. For interviews and clips go to myspace.com/steviemyspace.

500 yen donation at the door, from 6:30, come early for dinner and the best seats!

***Fri./Sat. Night amazing buffet as always. ¥2,800pp, 7-10pm. Great for Birthday parties or other special occasions!

Fri., Sept. 11th - Middle Eastern Buffet Night
As a variation of our super yummy weekly buffet, Chef Andy will be preparing our wonderful buffet featuring special middle eastern dishes including Raisin, Honey & Almond Couscous, Yougurt Navarin, Kebabs and Curried Lentils.

Come early for a delicious dinner and stay for DJs and a special belly dance performance!

RSVP for buffet dinner at cowmail@thepinkcow.com 2,800yen

Sat., Sept. 12th – Buffet & DJ Party!
Description : DJ's Guillaume and Etienne are bringing to The Pink Cow the Shonan summer heat for a fun DJ night.
Alternative pop, rock, electro and dance music.

Dinner from 7-10pm – RSVP for dinner cowmail@thepinkcow.com
Music from 9:30, No Music Charge!

Sun., Sept. 13th – Pink Cow Art Blender & Artist Reception Party!
Please welcome Sept. featured artist: Scott Larson
Yoyogi Daze Faced

For the last few years Tokyo photographer Scott Larson religiously spent every warm Sunday evening in a hazy state of blissful inebriation at those free outdoor trance parties in Yoyogi Park. Those parties have sadly been shut down by the mayor of Tokyo. For the month of September The Pink Cow will be exhibiting Scott's photos in a tribute to those late, great parties. Taken with 2-3 second shutters and motion blur his photos exemplify the spirit of those now defunct free and harmless dance parties. OPENING RECEPTION SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13th. DJ's, live music, free entry.

Plus – Pink Cow Art Blender, a chilled-out gathering of video artists, Vjs, Djs, animators, filmakers, live music, artists, projection & performers. To perform, present, show work, enjoy and meet new people or have any new ideas just mail us at cowmail@thepinkcow.com


From 7pm – NO CHARGE!

Tues., Sept. 15th – Poker and Games Night – Cigars OK!
(every tues)
Tuesday night chill out with card games! Bring cards, games, chips and friends for good old fashioned fun! Beers & Burritos as always! For these nights we will let people relax with their cigars as well:)

From 7pm until far too late for our own good I am sure!

Wed., Sept. 16th – Improv A Go-Go!
(usually) Every 3rd Wednesday
join the facebook group!
Love improv comedy? Love performing it even more? We’re providing a
venue for anyone with a yen for non-scripted comedy can not only come to
hang out and see some awesome comedy, but also the chance to come up on
stage and perform with us whenever you feel like it! Took one class?
Been doing it for seven years? It’s all good, and more importantly its
all good fun, so come on down to the Pink Cow to rock out with us,
air-guitar style.

And we’re not just hosting improv comedy. The TCS Players will be on
hand to perform sketch comedy.Two forms of comedy for the price of FREE.

Grab some food, jump on stage, and perform with some of Tokyo’s best

Those interested in performing improv with us can just show up and play.
However, it’d be even better if you emailed ogata.atsushi@gmail.com or jzzmn49@yahoo.com
We even have a mailing list. We’re powerful.

Free Improv and Sketch Comedy Night at the Pink Cow, brought to you by
the Tokyo Comedy Store.

8pm – NO CHARGE!

Thurs., Sept. 17th – The Vegan Club
Vegan Club:
Calling all vegetarian friends (or non-vegetarians who like good food and meeting new people)! The Tokyo Vegan Meetup group is holding their monthly dinner once a month. To reserve, please go to: http://vegan.meetup.com/389/ > . Join us for a delicious and healthy meal and meet a diverse and lively group of food and animal lovers! If you are curious, vegan = no meat, no fish, no egg, no dairy. Bring your friends!!

Dinner at 8PM - all you can eat buffet menu ¥2,800 (drinks separate)
For maps and more info please check www.thepinkcow.com

Sun., Sept. 20th - Japanese Lounge Night #5!
Come join us to enjoy and learn and experience more about Japanese instruments in a fun, relaxed way. We love to have music fans, learner for Japanese/English language and Japanese culture, loves Kimono but needs a place to go in it...that means you, your friends and family. Meet new people and enjoy great food and drinks! It's also a open mic event, please bring your talent if to perform with our instruments!

(MAP http://gmap.jp/shop-912.html?&uid=197621 )
If you're interested in performing, please let us know!
JLN page on Kumiya's: http://shamisen-sensei.com/jln.aspx
Article on Nekkei BP net http://www.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/column/20090630/163977/?P=4
You must log in but we also have a group page on mixi.

Would you like to sneak peek at the event on online video? http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1841806

Featured Guest Performers:

Daisuke "John" Kaminaga(Shakuhachi) http://web.me.com/apochromat/
plays not only Japanese classical but also a variety of collaboration music with the guitar, the Piano, poem, play, dance, live painting, ethnic music like karimba and so on.
and Mizuho (Koto)

Shinya "Chu John" Yamazaki (Shakuhachi)

Masafumi Saitou from Aragehonzi(Yokobue, Guitar)
a gutarist and Japanese transverse bamboo flute player with Ming-yo style basement songs. http://aragehonzi.com/ >

Kumiya- Shamisen (Hosozao. Hauta, Kouta & Ming-yo) Sensei of Shamisen lesson for beginners and tourists in both Japanese and English. http://shamisen-sensei.com >
Plus special guests and students joining the fun!

From 7pm - NO CHARGE! Come early for dinner and the best seats!

Tues., Sept. 22nd – Poker and Games Night – Cigars OK! Plus Live Music!
Tuesday night chill out with card games! Bring cards, games, chips and friends for good old fashioned fun! Beers & Burritos as always! For these nights we will let people relax with their cigars as well:)

Special Cow Jam Supplemental!
Norine Braun a Vancouver Canada based singer-songwriter whose music has been called "jazzed up, funk tinged pop." Built on a solid foundation of soul, Norine's music experiments with forms from ambient pop to jazz and folk on her 7 independent albums of original music.
Tuneful and savvy her music zings to the heart of any listener. Showcase performer at Kansai Music Conference 2009 in Osaka, the first bilingual international music conference in Japan.
Winner: Artists for Literacy International Songwriting Competition,Stonewall Society's Female Musician of the Year for Now and Zen, Female Singer-Songwriter of the
Year -Jazz for song Crystallize at Los Angeles International Independent Music Awards.
Visit www.norinebraun.com >
From 7pm - NO CHARGE! Come early for dinner and the best seats!

Burlesque Life Drawing only @the Pink Cow!
Sketch, Drink, Chat and have a blast!!!!!

What to bring: sketch pad, 'dry' drawing materials (no water/oil paints), friends, tips for the model, laughter, lots of money for booze!

Silly contests! Win booze by Yellow Tail and Fab Prizes from our sponsors TOKYOMADE!
No drawing experience necessary, just a sense of fun, sketch pad and pencil.

Doors open: 6:00PM
Laughs and Sketching start: 7:00PM
Finish up around:10:30/11PM

Entry: 2,000yen (includes model's fee+1 drink)
RSVP or more info: drsketchytokyo@gmail.com
Come early for the best spots and delicious Pink Cow food 'n drinks.

Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art School was conceived by NYC illustrator, Molly Crabapple.
Check out the NYC event www.drsketchy.com
For info on the Tokyo event www.drsketchytokyo.com
See you there!

Entry 2,000yen (includes model's fee+1 drink)

Thurs., Sept., 24th – Cow-Go! International Lounge & Live Music!
The Cow-Go! International party features groovalicious Party Monster DJ tunes and Live music by fabulous bands!

Come join us all at Cow-Go! Have fun at our monthly language & cultural exchange party that is a part of our Creative Language Network! Meet new people from all over, practice different languages and share culture over yummy food and drinks. Nomunication!

Join our Cow Go facebook group!

Creative Language Network

Join our Pink Cow language network – a creative way
to learn and share at an affordable price!

You design your own program.
Choose the teachers, style, times and location to suit
your learning needs.
Specialized lessons available for special interests.
You tell us what you need!
1-1 Lessons & Specialized Lessons, Reasonable Prices, Experienced Teachers and monthly cultural exchange parties:) Come enjoy the fun with us! We'll have great live music & DJs and lots of fun for all! Free entrance!

email cow-go!@thepinkcow.com
for more information go to: www.cow-go.com

Sponosored by:
International Shared Houses / Guest Houses in Tokyo!
Clean & Great Location & Reasonable Rent. Join Us!

From 7pm - No Charge!

***Fri. Night amazing buffet as always. ¥2,800pp, 7-10pm. Great for Birthday parties or other special occasions!

Sun., Sept. 28th – Drum Cow
Shinagawa Djembe Posse presents DRUMCOW
Come join us for some great fun with African Drums! What hippies do in the park except inside!
Shinagawa Djembe Possse is a session group that centers on drum "Djembe" of Africa.
The rhythm is feelings. The groove is harmonizes and heart beat.
Vibes of Shinagawa Djembe Posse that keeps extending explodes with pink Cow on Sunday in the end of every month. The place where the generation, sex, and the race live, the religion, and the border are unrelated! Center of Japan→Shibuya in Tokyo→Gathering vibes→Music is freely expressed→Everyone is connected→The fight is lost!
Friend and important person, favorite party, and all welcome.
Let's Come join us in happy session.

Peace to the world !!!

From 6pm – ala carte menu - NO CHARGE!

Tues., Sept. 29th – Poker and Games Night – Cigars OK!
(every tues)
Tuesday night chill out with card games! Bring cards, games, chips and friends for good old fashioned fun! Beers & Burritos as always! For these nights we will let people relax with their cigars as well:)

From 7pm until far too late for our own good I am sure!

***If you do not want to receive our cowmailers please just reply with an unsubscribe in the subject area, although we milk it for all it's worth we don't want to bug anyone!