2025/02/22 17:26

UNDPリポート ルランダで活躍する三戸氏

UNDP活動リポート ルランダで活躍する三戸氏



Monthly Rwanda
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
Vol.1 April 22, 2007



I finally arrived in Kigali, capital city of Rwanda, on March 5th. Before the arrival, I had a chance of joining UNDP training in Denmark and also stayed in Nairobi for two nights. In Nairobi, my only impression was that ‘this is a scaring city’ and ‘I have to be really careful’ as the information I received was such that foreigners can’t walk on streets and that the car jacking happens very frequently. On the other hand, the first impression of Rwanda was that `How beautiful the city is!’ and that ‘Does this beautiful country really need international aids for their development?’. For the first few days, I suffered from sunstroke under strong sunshine. But, I could realized in a
few days that the slight headache was caused by sunstroke, then, I could prevent the further headache properly. For the first two weeks, I stayed at Hotel des Mille Collines,which became famous by the movie ‘Hotel Rwanda’.

ミルコリンズからの眺めView from the Mille Collines
ミルコリンズ・ホテルHotel des Mille Collines


この点については1ヶ月経った今も手探りです。Sustainable Livelihood Unit ですが、というところに所属しているのですが、Unit長もいたのですが、4月一杯でUNDPを去ることになってしまいました。ただ、職場環境はかなり恵まれており、部屋をシェアしているスウェーデンの人を始め、みんなとても親切です。朝8時始業なのが、ちょっと大変ですが、関係のルワンダ政府に取材をするなどして、少しずつルワンダの現状を勉強している状況です。

Although I have already worked for one month at UNDP, I am still trying to figure out what my
job is. I belong to the Sustainable Livelihood Unit, and the unit chief is vacant from the beginning
of this year. Thus, I do not have a colleague from whom I can expect basic instructions. To make
the situation worse, the unit chief a.i. is leaving our office at the end of April. But still, the working environment is relatively good and my colleagues are very friendly and helpful. Currently, I share my office space with a Swedish woman and she helps me a lot, too. The fact that the office hour starts at eight a.m. is very harsh to me, but I am trying to understand the status quo of Rwanda slowly by visiting offices of the Government of Rwanda relating to my tasks.

The main tasks are:
1) Recovery and recycle of CFC under Montreal Protocol;
2) Climate change adaptation;
3) Proposal