Monthly RwandaVol.12 by MR mito

Monthly RwandaVol.12 by MR mito
Monthly RwandaVol.12 September 30, 2008 (Page 1/2)
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda

乾期のジャトロファJatropha in dry season

The topic of this issue is about a feasibility study in Rwanda on bio-fuel initiated by my
Jatropha seeds
wife with mainly her own expense. I am sometimes supporting her relating activities.
The target is a specific tree called Jatropha Carcus. Jatropha is a tree native in the
American continent but was introduced to Africa during the colonial period. The tree is
very strong against dryness and it can even survive under drought by intentionally
falling its leaves. Also, the tree is recognized as poisonous and some people were using
it to keep domestic animals away from the predators. Thus, two primary intentions of
the original introduction to Africa were for anti-deforestation and as a fence tree.
Recently, Jatropha is in a way booming due to another aspect. The seeds contain about
40% of oil and the extracted crude oil can be used for cooking heat and lighting (some
are already producing soaps from the oil). Moreover, after the refinery, the oil can be
utilized as bio-diesel. Considering its features of dryness resistance and non-edibleness,
Jatropha has a potential to be planted at non-arable areas and at the rim of crop fields
and to produce a new energy source and income generating opportunity.
However, there is no reliable data available on the adaptability and productivity of
Jatropha in Rwanda. As a highly populated and relatively water-rich country, a typical
way of planting Jatropha for bio-diesel production where the trees are exclusively
planted at a huge dry plantation does not fit in Rwanda. Additionally, risks of ecological
damage caused by planting Jatropha in Rwanda must be investigated as well as its
financial robustness. This is why my wife is conducting a small scale study and
collecting basic data to find out whether Jatropha project is feasible in Rwanda.
Currently, she has collected several types of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China,
Thailand, Mali, and some parts of Rwanda (it turned out that Jatropha oil was once
used for gun maintenance when Belgium was colonizing Rwanda, and now the trees
are growing some parts of Rwanda without being used) and baby trees germinated
from the seeds are planted around ten sites of Rwanda with different soils and
climate/geographical conditions. So far, about 4,000 Jatropha seeds have been
germinated and 40% of them are already transplanted to the feasibility study sites.
Jatropha crude oil on fire
Baby trees with and without leaves Monthly RwandaVol.12 September 30, 2008 (Page 2/2)
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
育苗所を西州のニャンジェに確保。発芽作業開始 西州の全市に事業について2回目の説明会
Feasibility sites (transplanted: 8 in yellow, planned: 2 in red, nursery: 1 in blue)
☆July 2007: Meeting with the Governor and all district mayors of the Western Province and
introduction of Jatropha
☆Fall 2007: Communication with one national research institution in Rwanda to ask to create
partnership for the feasibility study implementation. The institution showed interests
but responses were so slow that the attempt was given up
☆Dec. 2007-Feb. 2008: Search for a new local partner. Found one local agricultural professor as a project advisor. Also selected one newly graduated agronomist as an assistant
ニャンジェ育苗所Nursery in Nyange
Oct. 2007-March 2008: Collection of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China, Thailand and Mali
Feb. 2008: Obtained a nursery station in Nyange of the Western Province. Started germination
March 2008: Visited Mali to see a Jatropha bio-diesel project. Met the Malian President
May 2008: 2nd presentation on the project to all the districts of the Western Province
May-July 2008: Transplantation of germinated seedlings to eight sites (one in the South, one in
the East, and six in the West)
June 2008: Donation received for the project from a Japanese entrepreneur
July 2008: Serious car accident for all the three relating to the project directly
Sep. 2008: Obtained fruits and vegetable seeds for intercropping
(Challenges/Future prospect)
During transplantation, we faced the situation where community people gathered to find a part-
time job of transplanting, and some of men were already drunken by local banana beer. We need
to be careful that money distributed would be used for the future investment, not for alcohols.
It is impossible to secure a vast land for Jatropha plantation. Also, many people in rural areas do
not have cars. So, the project is now seeking to establish the system that produces crude oil for
local usages as cooking heating oil and lighting oil. As we are back, the next stage is to complete
Transplantation sites transplantation at two more sites and start intercropping of obtained fruits and vegetable seeds.
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
乾期のジャトロファJatropha in dry season
The topic of this issue is about a feasibility study in Rwanda on bio-fuel initiated by my
Jatropha seeds
wife with mainly her own expense. I am sometimes supporting her relating activities.
The target is a specific tree called Jatropha Carcus. Jatropha is a tree native in the
American continent but was introduced to Africa during the colonial period. The tree is
very strong against dryness and it can even survive under drought by intentionally
falling its leaves. Also, the tree is recognized as poisonous and some people were using
it to keep domestic animals away from the predators. Thus, two primary intentions of
the original introduction to Africa were for anti-deforestation and as a fence tree.
Recently, Jatropha is in a way booming due to another aspect. The seeds contain about
40% of oil and the extracted crude oil can be used for cooking heat and lighting (some
are already producing soaps from the oil). Moreover, after the refinery, the oil can be
utilized as bio-diesel. Considering its features of dryness resistance and non-edibleness,
Jatropha has a potential to be planted at non-arable areas and at the rim of crop fields
and to produce a new energy source and income generating opportunity.
However, there is no reliable data available on the adaptability and productivity of
Jatropha in Rwanda. As a highly populated and relatively water-rich country, a typical
way of planting Jatropha for bio-diesel production where the trees are exclusively
planted at a huge dry plantation does not fit in Rwanda. Additionally, risks of ecological
damage caused by planting Jatropha in Rwanda must be investigated as well as its
financial robustness. This is why my wife is conducting a small scale study and
collecting basic data to find out whether Jatropha project is feasible in Rwanda.
Currently, she has collected several types of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China,
Thailand, Mali, and some parts of Rwanda (it turned out that Jatropha oil was once
used for gun maintenance when Belgium was colonizing Rwanda, and now the trees
are growing some parts of Rwanda without being used) and baby trees germinated
from the seeds are planted around ten sites of Rwanda with different soils and
climate/geographical conditions. So far, about 4,000 Jatropha seeds have been
germinated and 40% of them are already transplanted to the feasibility study sites.
Jatropha crude oil on fire
Baby trees with and without leaves Monthly RwandaVol.12 September 30, 2008 (Page 2/2)
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
育苗所を西州のニャンジェに確保。発芽作業開始 西州の全市に事業について2回目の説明会
Feasibility sites (transplanted: 8 in yellow, planned: 2 in red, nursery: 1 in blue)
☆July 2007: Meeting with the Governor and all district mayors of the Western Province and
introduction of Jatropha
☆Fall 2007: Communication with one national research institution in Rwanda to ask to create
partnership for the feasibility study implementation. The institution showed interests
but responses were so slow that the attempt was given up
☆Dec. 2007-Feb. 2008: Search for a new local partner. Found one local agricultural professor as a project advisor. Also selected one newly graduated agronomist as an assistant
ニャンジェ育苗所Nursery in Nyange
Oct. 2007-March 2008: Collection of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China, Thailand and Mali
Feb. 2008: Obtained a nursery station in Nyange of the Western Province. Started germination
March 2008: Visited Mali to see a Jatropha bio-diesel project. Met the Malian President
May 2008: 2nd presentation on the project to all the districts of the Western Province
May-July 2008: Transplantation of germinated seedlings to eight sites (one in the South, one in
the East, and six in the West)
June 2008: Donation received for the project from a Japanese entrepreneur
July 2008: Serious car accident for all the three relating to the project directly
Sep. 2008: Obtained fruits and vegetable seeds for intercropping
(Challenges/Future prospect)
During transplantation, we faced the situation where community people gathered to find a part-
time job of transplanting, and some of men were already drunken by local banana beer. We need
to be careful that money distributed would be used for the future investment, not for alcohols.
It is impossible to secure a vast land for Jatropha plantation. Also, many people in rural areas do
not have cars. So, the project is now seeking to establish the system that produces crude oil for
local usages as cooking heating oil and lighting oil. As we are back, the next stage is to complete
Transplantation sites transplantation at two more sites and start intercropping of obtained fruits and vegetable seeds.
Monthly RwandaVol.12 by MR mito
Monthly RwandaVol.12 September 30, 2008 (Page 1/2)
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda

乾期のジャトロファJatropha in dry season

The topic of this issue is about a feasibility study in Rwanda on bio-fuel initiated by my
Jatropha seeds
wife with mainly her own expense. I am sometimes supporting her relating activities.
The target is a specific tree called Jatropha Carcus. Jatropha is a tree native in the
American continent but was introduced to Africa during the colonial period. The tree is
very strong against dryness and it can even survive under drought by intentionally
falling its leaves. Also, the tree is recognized as poisonous and some people were using
it to keep domestic animals away from the predators. Thus, two primary intentions of
the original introduction to Africa were for anti-deforestation and as a fence tree.
Recently, Jatropha is in a way booming due to another aspect. The seeds contain about
40% of oil and the extracted crude oil can be used for cooking heat and lighting (some
are already producing soaps from the oil). Moreover, after the refinery, the oil can be
utilized as bio-diesel. Considering its features of dryness resistance and non-edibleness,
Jatropha has a potential to be planted at non-arable areas and at the rim of crop fields
and to produce a new energy source and income generating opportunity.
However, there is no reliable data available on the adaptability and productivity of
Jatropha in Rwanda. As a highly populated and relatively water-rich country, a typical
way of planting Jatropha for bio-diesel production where the trees are exclusively
planted at a huge dry plantation does not fit in Rwanda. Additionally, risks of ecological
damage caused by planting Jatropha in Rwanda must be investigated as well as its
financial robustness. This is why my wife is conducting a small scale study and
collecting basic data to find out whether Jatropha project is feasible in Rwanda.
Currently, she has collected several types of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China,
Thailand, Mali, and some parts of Rwanda (it turned out that Jatropha oil was once
used for gun maintenance when Belgium was colonizing Rwanda, and now the trees
are growing some parts of Rwanda without being used) and baby trees germinated
from the seeds are planted around ten sites of Rwanda with different soils and
climate/geographical conditions. So far, about 4,000 Jatropha seeds have been
germinated and 40% of them are already transplanted to the feasibility study sites.
Jatropha crude oil on fire
Baby trees with and without leaves Monthly RwandaVol.12 September 30, 2008 (Page 2/2)
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
育苗所を西州のニャンジェに確保。発芽作業開始 西州の全市に事業について2回目の説明会
Feasibility sites (transplanted: 8 in yellow, planned: 2 in red, nursery: 1 in blue)
☆July 2007: Meeting with the Governor and all district mayors of the Western Province and
introduction of Jatropha
☆Fall 2007: Communication with one national research institution in Rwanda to ask to create
partnership for the feasibility study implementation. The institution showed interests
but responses were so slow that the attempt was given up
☆Dec. 2007-Feb. 2008: Search for a new local partner. Found one local agricultural professor as a project advisor. Also selected one newly graduated agronomist as an assistant
ニャンジェ育苗所Nursery in Nyange
Oct. 2007-March 2008: Collection of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China, Thailand and Mali
Feb. 2008: Obtained a nursery station in Nyange of the Western Province. Started germination
March 2008: Visited Mali to see a Jatropha bio-diesel project. Met the Malian President
May 2008: 2nd presentation on the project to all the districts of the Western Province
May-July 2008: Transplantation of germinated seedlings to eight sites (one in the South, one in
the East, and six in the West)
June 2008: Donation received for the project from a Japanese entrepreneur
July 2008: Serious car accident for all the three relating to the project directly
Sep. 2008: Obtained fruits and vegetable seeds for intercropping
(Challenges/Future prospect)
During transplantation, we faced the situation where community people gathered to find a part-
time job of transplanting, and some of men were already drunken by local banana beer. We need
to be careful that money distributed would be used for the future investment, not for alcohols.
It is impossible to secure a vast land for Jatropha plantation. Also, many people in rural areas do
not have cars. So, the project is now seeking to establish the system that produces crude oil for
local usages as cooking heating oil and lighting oil. As we are back, the next stage is to complete
Transplantation sites transplantation at two more sites and start intercropping of obtained fruits and vegetable seeds.
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
乾期のジャトロファJatropha in dry season
The topic of this issue is about a feasibility study in Rwanda on bio-fuel initiated by my
Jatropha seeds
wife with mainly her own expense. I am sometimes supporting her relating activities.
The target is a specific tree called Jatropha Carcus. Jatropha is a tree native in the
American continent but was introduced to Africa during the colonial period. The tree is
very strong against dryness and it can even survive under drought by intentionally
falling its leaves. Also, the tree is recognized as poisonous and some people were using
it to keep domestic animals away from the predators. Thus, two primary intentions of
the original introduction to Africa were for anti-deforestation and as a fence tree.
Recently, Jatropha is in a way booming due to another aspect. The seeds contain about
40% of oil and the extracted crude oil can be used for cooking heat and lighting (some
are already producing soaps from the oil). Moreover, after the refinery, the oil can be
utilized as bio-diesel. Considering its features of dryness resistance and non-edibleness,
Jatropha has a potential to be planted at non-arable areas and at the rim of crop fields
and to produce a new energy source and income generating opportunity.
However, there is no reliable data available on the adaptability and productivity of
Jatropha in Rwanda. As a highly populated and relatively water-rich country, a typical
way of planting Jatropha for bio-diesel production where the trees are exclusively
planted at a huge dry plantation does not fit in Rwanda. Additionally, risks of ecological
damage caused by planting Jatropha in Rwanda must be investigated as well as its
financial robustness. This is why my wife is conducting a small scale study and
collecting basic data to find out whether Jatropha project is feasible in Rwanda.
Currently, she has collected several types of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China,
Thailand, Mali, and some parts of Rwanda (it turned out that Jatropha oil was once
used for gun maintenance when Belgium was colonizing Rwanda, and now the trees
are growing some parts of Rwanda without being used) and baby trees germinated
from the seeds are planted around ten sites of Rwanda with different soils and
climate/geographical conditions. So far, about 4,000 Jatropha seeds have been
germinated and 40% of them are already transplanted to the feasibility study sites.
Jatropha crude oil on fire
Baby trees with and without leaves Monthly RwandaVol.12 September 30, 2008 (Page 2/2)
Reported by Toshikazu MITO @UNDP Rwanda
育苗所を西州のニャンジェに確保。発芽作業開始 西州の全市に事業について2回目の説明会
Feasibility sites (transplanted: 8 in yellow, planned: 2 in red, nursery: 1 in blue)
☆July 2007: Meeting with the Governor and all district mayors of the Western Province and
introduction of Jatropha
☆Fall 2007: Communication with one national research institution in Rwanda to ask to create
partnership for the feasibility study implementation. The institution showed interests
but responses were so slow that the attempt was given up
☆Dec. 2007-Feb. 2008: Search for a new local partner. Found one local agricultural professor as a project advisor. Also selected one newly graduated agronomist as an assistant
ニャンジェ育苗所Nursery in Nyange
Oct. 2007-March 2008: Collection of Jatropha seeds from Kenya, China, Thailand and Mali
Feb. 2008: Obtained a nursery station in Nyange of the Western Province. Started germination
March 2008: Visited Mali to see a Jatropha bio-diesel project. Met the Malian President
May 2008: 2nd presentation on the project to all the districts of the Western Province
May-July 2008: Transplantation of germinated seedlings to eight sites (one in the South, one in
the East, and six in the West)
June 2008: Donation received for the project from a Japanese entrepreneur
July 2008: Serious car accident for all the three relating to the project directly
Sep. 2008: Obtained fruits and vegetable seeds for intercropping
(Challenges/Future prospect)
During transplantation, we faced the situation where community people gathered to find a part-
time job of transplanting, and some of men were already drunken by local banana beer. We need
to be careful that money distributed would be used for the future investment, not for alcohols.
It is impossible to secure a vast land for Jatropha plantation. Also, many people in rural areas do
not have cars. So, the project is now seeking to establish the system that produces crude oil for
local usages as cooking heating oil and lighting oil. As we are back, the next stage is to complete
Transplantation sites transplantation at two more sites and start intercropping of obtained fruits and vegetable seeds.