2025/02/22 03:12


『日本人の証明』を出版して 東條英利氏連載コラム NO.10



『日本人の証明』を出版して  東條英利氏連載コラム NO.10






2012年 今どうして通訳ボランティアガイドなのか? (要約版)



その反響はじつに無限である。(マザー テレサ)
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.(Mother teresa)



世界は今、急速な国際化社会に向かって、突き進んでいます。日本も例外ではありません。大都市圏では、国際結婚のカップルが10組に1組を数え、いろいろ な国から来た留学生や働く外国人の人たちを目にすることも珍しくなくなりました。しかし、一般的にはまだまだ日本に住んでいる外国人の人たちと親しく付き合っている人は少ない状況です。ましてや海外からの観光客との接点などはほとんどない人が大半ではないでしょうか。







(グローバルコミュニティー 宮崎計実)














globalcommunity21@gmail.com GC学生通訳ボランテイアガイド事務局までご連絡ください。詳しい資料と説明会のご案内をさせていただきます。 (日本人学生・留学生・学生OBOGの方々も大歓迎です!!)




2009年2月に結成した学生通訳ボランティア連絡会の初の大仕事は、2009年4月にあった東京オリンピック招致活動のIOC視察に伴う海外プレスセンターでのお手伝い。英語・中国語・韓国語対応の出来るメンバー約50人で1週間のスケジュールをこなす。当初は、LEAF、AISECなどの国際系学生団 体に所属しているメンバーや英語の得意な留学生、WEBサイトを見て集まって来た学生、2006年より活動を開始した『2016年東京オリンピックを望む 学生の会』の混成チームで活動した。プレス・レセプションにも参加させてもらい、外国人記者クラブの会長や安藤忠雄さんに突撃インタビューを試みたりと活動的なメンバーが多かった。今年、2020年のオリンピック招致に向けた活動が開始されたが、同じようにIOCの視察に伴う語学ボランテイアの活動をするとなると2013年の2ー4月頃になる予定。

『神社とお寺の違いを外国の旅行者に分かりやすく説明するには?』『どうして絵馬に願い事を書くのか?』『なぜ、和装の花嫁は角隠しをするのか?』などの質問にも、テキパキと答えるガイドさんに尊敬のまなざし。英語は留学して勉強したが会話が深まらない。日本のことを勉強しないといけない。そう感じた学生も多 かったに違いない。


2010年にリーダーが男性(新井誠さん 大東文化大4年)から女性(谷岡理絵さん 駒沢大2年)に移り、女性のメンバーが大多数になる。


about Dr. B R Ambedkar


Dr.Ambedkar debate with Gandhi

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar full movie english

Dr Ambedkar's Speech in English

The first Round Table Conference (RTC) held in London, 1930

Best speech about Dr. B R Ambedkar

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956), popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was an Indian juristeconomistpolitician and social reformer who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against social discrimination towards the untouchables (Dalits), while also supporting the rights of women and labour. He was independent India's first law and justice minister, the architect of the Constitution of India, and a founding father of the Republic of India. In India and elsewhere, he was often called Babasaheb, meaning "respected father" in Marathi and Hindi.

Ambedkar was a prolific student earning doctorates in economics from both Columbia University and the London School of Economics and gained a reputation as a scholar for his research in law, economics, and political science. In his early career, he was an economist, professor, and lawyer. His later life was marked by his political activities; he became involved in campaigning and negotiations for India's independence, publishing journals, advocating political rights and social freedom for Dalits, and contributing significantly to the establishment of the state of India. In 1956, he converted to Buddhism initiating mass conversions of Dalits.

In 1990, the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, was posthumously conferred upon Ambedkar. Ambedkar's legacy includes numerous memorials and depictions in popular culture.

quoted from  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._R._Ambedkar

Early life

Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891 in the town and military cantonment of Mhow (now Dr. Ambedkar Nagar) in the Central Provinces (now in Madhya Pradesh).[1] He was the 14th and last child of Ramji Maloji Sakpal, an army officer who held the rank of Subedar, and Bhimabai Sakpal, daughter of Laxman Murbadkar.[2] His family was of Marathi background from the town of Ambadawe (Mandangad taluka) in Ratnagiri district of modern-day Maharashtra. Ambedkar was born into a poor low Mahar (dalit) caste, who were treated as untouchables and subjected to socio-economic discrimination.[3]Ambedkar's ancestors had long worked for the army of the British East India Company, and his father served in the British Indian Army at the Mhow cantonment.[4] Although they attended school, Ambedkar and other untouchable children were segregated and given little attention or help by teachers. They were not allowed to sit inside the class. When they needed to drink water, someone from a higher caste had to pour that water from a height as they were not allowed to touch either the water or the vessel that contained it. This task was usually performed for the young Ambedkar by the school peon, and if the peon was not available then he had to go without water; he described the situation later in his writings as "No peon, No Water".[5] He was required to sit on a gunny sack which he had to take home with him.[6]

Ramji Sakpal retired in 1894 and the family moved to Satara two years later. Shortly after their move, Ambedkar's mother died. The children were cared for by their paternal aunt and lived in difficult circumstances. Three sons – Balaram, Anandrao and Bhimrao – and two daughters – Manjula and Tulasa – of the Ambedkars survived them. Of his brothers and sisters, only Ambedkar passed his examinations and went to high school. His original surname was Sakpal but his father registered his name as Ambadawekar in school, meaning he comes from his native village of Ambadawe in Ratnagiri district.[7][8] His Devrukhe Brahmin teacher, Krishna Keshav Ambedkar, changed his surname from "Ambadawekar" to his own surname "Ambedkar" in school records.[9]


Post-secondary education

In 1897, Ambedkar's family moved to Mumbai where Ambedkar became the only untouchable enrolled at Elphinstone High School. In 1906, when he was about 15 years old, his marriage to a nine-year-old girl, Ramabai, was arranged.[10]

Undergraduate studies at the University of Bombay

Ambedkar as a student

In 1907, he passed his matriculation examination and in the following year he entered Elphinstone College, which was affiliated to the University of Bombay, becoming, according to him, the first from his Mahar caste to do so. In his book, The Buddha and His Dhamma, that when he passed his English fourth standard examinations, the people of his community wanted to celebrate because they considered that he had reached "great heights" which he says was "hardly an occasion compared to the state of education in other communities". A public ceremony was evoked, to celebrate his success, by the community, and it was at this occasion that he was presented with a biography of the Buddha by Dada Keluskar, the author and a family friend.[10][11]

By 1912, he obtained his degree in economics and political science from Bombay University, and prepared to take up employment with the Baroda state government. His wife had just moved his young family and started work when he had to quickly return to Mumbai to see his ailing father, who died on 2 February 1913.[12]

Postgraduate studies at Columbia University

In 1913, Ambedkar moved to the United States at the age of 22. He had been awarded a Baroda State Scholarship of £11.50 (Sterling) per month for three years under a scheme established by Sayajirao Gaekwad III (Gaekwad of Baroda) that was designed to provide opportunities for postgraduate education at Columbia University in New York City. Soon after arriving there he settled in rooms at Livingston Hall with Naval Bhathena, a Parsi who was to be a lifelong friend. He passed his M.A. exam in June 1915, majoring in Economics, and other subjects of Sociology, History, Philosophy and Anthropology. He presented a thesis, Ancient Indian Commerce. Ambedkar was influenced by John Dewey and his work on democracy.[13]

In 1916 he completed his second thesis, National Dividend of India – A Historic and Analytical Study, for another M.A.,[citation needed] and finally he received his PhD in Economics in 1927[14] for his third thesis, after he left for London. On 9 May, he presented the paper Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development before a seminar conducted by the anthropologist Alexander Goldenweiser.[citation needed]

Postgraduate studies at the London School of Economics

Ambedkar (in centre line, first from right) with his professors and friends from the London School of Economics (1916–17)

In October 1916, he enrolled for the Bar course at Gray's Inn, and at the same time enrolled at the London School of Economics where he started working on a doctoral thesis. In June 1917, he returned to India because his scholarship from Baroda ended. His book collection was dispatched on different ship from the one he was on, and that ship was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine.[12] He got permission to return to London to submit his thesis within four years. He returned at the first opportunity, and completed a master's degree in 1921.[citation needed] In 1922, he was called to the Bar by Gray's Inn[citation needed] and in 1923 he presented his thesis titled "The problem of the rupee: Its origin and its solution".[15] He completed a D.Sc. in Economics in the same year. His third and fourth Doctorates (LL.D, Columbia, 1952 and D.Litt., Osmania, 1953) were conferred honoris causa.[16]

Opposition to untouchability

Ambedkar as a barrister in 1922

As Ambedkar was educated by the Princely State of Baroda, he was bound to serve it. He was appointed Military Secretary to the Gaikwad but had to quit in a short time. He described the incident in his autobiography, Waiting for a Visa.[17] Thereafter, he tried to find ways to make a living for his growing family. He worked as a private tutor, as an accountant, and established an investment consulting business, but it failed when his clients learned that he was an untouchable.[18] In 1918, he became Professor of Political Economy in the Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics in Mumbai. Although he was successful with the students, other professors objected to his sharing a drinking-water jug with them.[19]

Ambedkar had been invited to testify before the Southborough Committee, which was preparing the Government of India Act 1919. At this hearing, Ambedkar argued for creating separate electorates and reservations for untouchables and other religious communities.[20] In 1920, he began the publication of the weekly Mooknayak (Leader of the Silent) in Mumbai with the help of Shahu of Kolhapur i.e. Shahu IV (1874–1922).[21]

Ambedkar went on to work as a legal professional. In 1926, he successfully defended three non-Brahmin leaders who had accused the Brahmin community of ruining India and were then subsequently sued for libel. Dhananjay Keer notes that "The victory was resounding, both socially and individually, for the clients and the Doctor."[22][23]

While practising law in the Bombay High Court, he tried to promote education to untouchables and uplift them. His first organised attempt was his establishment of the central institution Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha, intended to promote education and socio-economic improvement, as well as the welfare of "outcastes", at the time referred to as depressed classes.[24] For the defence of Dalit rights, he started five periodicals – Mooknayak (the leader of the dumb, 1920), Bahishkrit Bharat (Ostracized India, 1924), Samta (Equality, 1928), Janata (The People, 1930), and Prabuddha Bharat (Enlightened India, 1956).[25]

He was appointed to the Bombay Presidency Committee to work with the all-European Simon Commission in 1925.[26] This commission had sparked great protests across India, and while its report was ignored by most Indians, Ambedkar himself wrote a separate set of recommendations for the future Constitution of India.[27]

By 1927, Ambedkar had decided to launch active movements against untouchability. He began with public movements and marches to open up public drinking water resources. He also began a struggle for the right to enter Hindu temples. He led a satyagraha in Mahad to fight for the right of the untouchable community to draw water from the main water tank of the town.[28] In a conference in late 1927, Ambedkar publicly condemned the classic Hindu text, the Manusmriti (Laws of Manu), for ideologically justifying caste discrimination and "untouchability", and he ceremonially burned copies of the ancient text. On 25 December 1927, he led thousands of followers to burn copies of Manusmrti.[29][30] Thus annually 25 December is celebrated as Manusmriti Dahan Din (Manusmriti Burning Day) by Ambedkarites and Dalits.[31][32]

In 1930, Ambedkar launched Kalaram Temple movement after three months of preparation. About 15,000 volunteers assembled at Kalaram Temple satygraha making one of the greatest processions of Nashik. The procession was headed by a military band, a batch of scouts, women and men walked in discipline, order and determination to see the god for the first time. When they reached to gate, the gates were closed by Brahmin authorities.[33]

Poona Pact

M. R. Jayakar, Tej Bahadur Sapru and Ambedkar at Yerwada jail, in Poona, on 24 September 1932, the day the Poona Pact was signed

In 1932, British announced the formation of a separate electorate for "Depressed Classes" in the Communal AwardGandhifiercely opposed a separate electorate for untouchables, saying he feared that such an arrangement would divide the Hindu community.[34][35][36] Gandhi protested by fasting while imprisoned in the Yerwada Central Jail of Poona. Following the fast, Congress politicians and activists such as Madan Mohan Malaviya and Palwankar Baloo organised joint meetings with Ambedkar and his supporters at Yerwada.[37] On 25 September 1932, the agreement known as Poona Pact was signed between Ambedkar (on behalf of the depressed classes among Hindus) and Madan Mohan Malaviya (on behalf of the other Hindus). The agreement gave reserved seats for the depressed classes in the Provisional legislatures, within the general electorate. Due to the pact, the depressed class received 148 seats in the legislature, instead of the 71 as allocated in the Communal Awardearlier proposed by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald. The text uses the term "Depressed Classes" to denote Untouchables among Hindus who were later called Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under India Act 1935, and the later Indian Constitution of 1950.[38][39] In the Poona Pact, a unified electorate was in principle formed, but primary and secondary elections allowed Untouchables in practice to choose their own candidates.[40]

Political career

A photograph of the election manifesto of the All India Scheduled Caste Federation, the party founded by Ambedkar, 1946

In 1935, Ambedkar was appointed principal of the Government Law College, Bombay, a position he held for two years. He also served as the chairman of Governing body of Ramjas College, University of Delhi, after the death of its founder, Rai Kedarnath.[citation needed] Settling in Bombay (today called Mumbai), Ambedkar oversaw the construction of a house, and stocked his personal library with more than 50,000 books.[41] His wife Ramabai died after a long illness the same year. It had been her long-standing wish to go on a pilgrimage to Pandharpur, but Ambedkar had refused to let her go, telling her that he would create a new Pandharpur for her instead of Hinduism's Pandharpur which treated them as untouchables. At the Yeola Conversion Conference on 13 October in Nasik, Ambedkar announced his intention to convert to a different religion and exhorted his followers to leave Hinduism.[41] He would repeat his message at many public meetings across India.

In 1936, Ambedkar founded the Independent Labour Party, which contested the 1937 Bombay election to the Central Legislative Assembly for the 13 reserved and 4 general seats, and secured 11 and 3 seats respectively. Ambedkar was elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly as a legislator (MLA).[42]

Ambedkar published his book Annihilation of Caste on 15 May 1936.[43] It strongly criticised Hindu orthodox religious leaders and the caste system in general,[44] and included "a rebuke of Gandhi" on the subject.[45] Later, in a 1955 BBC interview, he accused Gandhi of writing in opposition of the caste system in English language papers while writing in support of it in Gujarati language papers.[46]

Ambedkar served on the Defence Advisory Committee[47] and the Viceroy's Executive Council as minister for labour.[47]

After the Lahore resolution (1940) of the Muslim League demanding Pakistan, Ambedkar wrote a 400-page tract titled Thoughts on Pakistan, which analysed the concept of "Pakistan" in all its aspects. Ambedkar argued that the Hindus should concede Pakistan to the Muslims. He proposed that the provincial boundaries of Punjab and Bengal should be redrawn to separate the Muslim and non-Muslim majority parts. He thought the Muslims could have no objection to redrawing provincial boundaries. If they did, they did not quite "understand the nature of their own demand". Scholar Venkat Dhulipala states that Thoughts on Pakistan "rocked Indian politics for a decade". It determined the course of dialogue between the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress, paving the way for the Partition of India.[48][49]

In his work Who Were the Shudras?, Ambedkar tried to explain the formation of untouchables. He saw Shudras and Ati Shudras who form the lowest caste in the ritual hierarchy of the caste system, as separate from Untouchables. Ambedkar oversaw the transformation of his political party into the Scheduled Castes Federation, although it performed poorly in the 1946 elections for Constituent Assembly of India. Later he was elected into the constituent assembly of Bengalwhere Muslim League was in power.[50]

Ambedkar had twice became a member of the Parliament of India representing Bombay State in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian parliament. His first term as a Rajya Sabha member was between 3 April 1952 and 2 April 1956, and his second term was to be held from 3 April 1956 to 2 April 1962, but before the expiry of the term, he died on 6 December 1956.[51]

Ambedkar contested in the Bombay North first Indian General Election of 1952, but lost to his former assistant and Congress Party candidate Narayan Sadoba Kajrolkar. He tried to enter Lok Sabha again in the by-election of 1954 from Bhandara, but he placed third (the Congress Party won). By the time of the second general election in 1957, Ambedkar had died.[52][53]

Opposition to Aryan invasion theory

Ambedkar viewed the Shudras as Aryan and adamantly rejected the Aryan invasion theory, describing it as "so absurd that it ought to have been dead long ago" in his 1946 book Who Were the Shudras?.[54]

Ambedkar viewed Shudras as originally being "part of the Kshatriya Varna in the Indo-Aryan society", but became socially degraded after they inflicted many tyrannies on Brahmins.[54]

According to Arvind Sharma, Ambedkar noticed certain flaws in the Aryan invasion theory that were later acknowledged by western scholarship. For example, scholars now acknowledge anās in Rig Veda 5.29.10 refers to speech rather than the shape of the nose. Ambedkar anticipated this modern view.[55]

Ambedkar disputed various hypotheses of the Aryan homeland being outside India, and concluded the Aryan homeland was India itself.[56] According to Ambedkar, the Rig Veda says Aryans, Dāsa and Dasyus were competing religious groups, not different peoples.[57]

Drafting India's Constitution

Ambedkar, chairman of the Drafting Committee, presenting the final draft of the Indian Constitution to Rajendra Prasad on 25 November 1949

See also: Constitution of India and Constituent Assembly of India

Upon India's independence on 15 August 1947, the new Congress-led government invited Ambedkar to serve as the nation's first Law and Justice Minister, which he accepted. On 29 August, he was appointed Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, and was appointed by the Constituent Assembly to write India's new Constitution.[58]

Ambedkar was a wise constitutional expert, he had studied the constitutions of about 60 countries. Ambedkar is recognised as the "Father of the Constitution of India".[59][60] In the Constitution Assembly, a member of the drafting committee, T. T. Krishnamachari said, "(...) it happened ultimately that the burden of drafting this constitution fell on Dr. Ambedkar and I have no doubt that we are grateful to him for having achieved this task in a manner which is undoubtedly commendable."[61][62]

Granville Austin described the Indian Constitution drafted by Ambedkar as 'first and foremost a social document'. 'The majority of India's constitutional provisions are either directly arrived at furthering the aim of social revolution or attempt to foster this revolution by establishing conditions necessary for its achievement.'[63]

The text prepared by Ambedkar provided constitutional guarantees and protections for a wide range of civil libertiesfor individual citizens, including freedom of religion, the abolition of untouchability, and the outlawing of all forms of discrimination. Ambedkar argued for extensive economic and social rights for women, and won the Assembly's support for introducing a system of reservations of jobs in the civil services, schools and colleges for members of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and Other Backward Class, a system akin to affirmative action.[64] India's lawmakers hoped to eradicate the socio-economic inequalities and lack of opportunities for India's depressed classes through these measures.[65]The Constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949 by the Constituent Assembly.[66]

Opposition to Article 370

Ambedkar opposed Article 370 of the Constitution of India, which granted a special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and which was included against his wishes. Balraj Madhok reportedly said, Ambedkar had clearly told the Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Abdullah: "You wish India should protect your borders, she should build roads in your area, she should supply you food grains, and Kashmir should get equal status as India. But Government of India should have only limited powers and Indian people should have no rights in Kashmir. To give consent to this proposal, would be a treacherous thing against the interests of India and I, as the Law Minister of India, will never do it." Then Sheikh Abdullah approached Nehru, who directed him to Gopal Swami Ayyangar, who in turn approached Sardar Patel, saying Nehru had promised Sheikh Abdullah the special status. Patel got the Article passed while Nehru was on a foreign tour. On the day the article came up for discussion, Ambedkar did not reply to questions on it but did participate on other articles. All arguments were done by Krishna Swami Ayyangar.[67][68]

B.R. Ambedkar in 1950

Support to Uniform Civil Code

I personally do not understand why religion should be given this vast, expansive jurisdiction, so as to cover the whole of life and to prevent the legislature from encroaching upon that field. After all, what are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform our social system, which is so full of inequities, discriminations and other things, which conflict with our fundamental rights.[69]

During the debates in the Constituent Assembly, Ambedkar demonstrated his will to reform Indian society by recommending the adoption of a Uniform Civil Code.[70][71] Ambedkar resigned from the cabinet in 1951, when parliament stalled his draft of the Hindu Code Bill, which sought to enshrine gender equality in the laws of inheritance and marriage.[72] Ambedkar independently contested an election in 1952 to the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha, but was defeated in the Bombay (North Central) constituency by a little-known Narayan Sadoba Kajrolkar, who polled 138,137 votes compared to Ambedkar's 123,576.[73][74][75] He was appointed to the upper house, of parliament, the Rajya Sabha in March 1952 and would remain as member until death.[76]

Economic planning

Ambedkar was the first Indian to pursue a doctorate in economics abroad.[77] He argued that industrialisation and agricultural growth could enhance the Indian economy.[78] He stressed investment in agriculture as the primary industry of India. According to Sharad Pawar, Ambedkar's vision helped the government to achieve its food security goal.[79]Ambedkar advocated national economic and social development, stressing education, public hygiene, community health, residential facilities as the basic amenities.[78] He calculated the loss of development caused by British rule.[80]

Reserve Bank of India

Ambedkar was trained as an economist, and was a professional economist until 1921, when he became a political leader. He wrote three scholarly books on economics:

  • Administration and Finance of the East India Company
  • The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India
  • The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution[81]

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), was based on the ideas that Ambedkar presented to the Hilton Young Commission.[82]

Second marriage

Ambedkar with wife Savita in 1948

Ambedkar's first wife Ramabai died in 1935 after a long illness. After completing the draft of India's constitution in the late 1940s, he suffered from lack of sleep, had neuropathic pain in his legs, and was taking insulin and homoeopathic medicines. He went to Bombay for treatment, and there met Dr. Sharada Kabir, a Saraswat Brahmin, whom he married on 15 April 1948, at his home in New Delhi. She was 39 year old and he was 57. Doctors recommended a companion who was a good cook and had medical knowledge to care for him.[83] She adopted the name Savita Ambedkar and cared for him the rest of his life.[84] Savita Ambedkar, who was called 'Mai' or 'Maisaheb', died on 29 May 2003, aged 93 at Mehrauli, New Delhi.[85]

Conversion to Buddhism

See also: Dalit Buddhist movementNavayana, and Deekshabhoomi

Ambedkar receiving the Five Precepts from Mahasthavir Chandramani on 14 October 1956. In the photograph (from right to left): Savita Ambedkar, B. R. Ambedkar, Wali Sinha and bhikkhu Chandramani.

"... I regard the Buddha's Dhamma (Buddhism) to be the best. No religion can be compared to it. If a modern man who knows science must have a religion, the only religion he can have is the Religion of the Buddha. This conviction has grown in me after thirty-five years of close study of all religions."

— Babasaheb Ambedkar, preface of The Buddha and His Dhamma, 6 April 1956[86]

Ambedkar considered converting to Sikhism, which encouraged opposition to oppression and so appealed to leaders of scheduled castes. But after meeting with Sikh leaders, he concluded that he might get "second-rate" Sikh status, as described by scholar Stephen P. Cohen.[87]

Instead, he studied Buddhism all his life. Around 1950, he devoted his attention to Buddhism and travelled to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to attend a meeting of the World Fellowship of Buddhists.[88] While dedicating a new Buddhist vihara near Pune, Ambedkar announced he was writing a book on Buddhism, and that when it was finished, he would formally convert to Buddhism.[89] He twice visited Burma in 1954; the second time to attend the third conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists in Rangoon.[90] In 1955, he founded the Bharatiya Bauddha Mahasabha, or the Buddhist Society of India.[91] He completed his final work, The Buddha and His Dhamma, in 1956 which was published posthumously.[91]

After meetings with the Sri Lankan Buddhist monk Hammalawa Saddhatissa,[92] Ambedkar organised a formal public ceremony for himself and his supporters in DeekshabhoomiNagpur on 14 October 1956. Accepting the Three Refuges and Five Precepts from a Buddhist monk Mahasthavir Chandramani in the traditional manner, Ambedkar completed his own conversion, along with his wife. He then proceeded to convert some 500,000 of his supporters who were gathered around him.[93] He prescribed the 22 Vows for these converts, after the Three Jewels and Five Precepts.[94] On this occasion, many upper caste Hindus too accepted Buddhism.[95] After Nagpur, on 16 October 1956, Ambedkar again gave Buddhism to more than 300,000 of his followers at Chandrapur, since the place is also known as Deekshabhoomi.[96] He then travelled to Kathmandu, Nepal to attend the Fourth World Buddhist Conference.[90] There he went to the Dalit settlements of Kathmandu city, and saw the condition of Nepali Dalits, he was visibly angry. When this matter became known to the then Prime Minist

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理解」と「認知」の違いについて 東條英利氏連載コラム  NO.9





東條英利氏連載コラム  NO.9




以前、 NPO 法人武士道協会の事務局の方とお話をした時にも同様のことを感じました。「武士道」と聞くと、多くの方が決まって、「戦う」イメージを連想すると思います。しかし、実際のところ、「武士道」とは何かと尋ねると、その答えは、「武士道」の「武」とは、本来、「戈(ほこ)」を「止める」と書いて「武」と言います。つまり、刀を抜くのではなく、抜かずとも相手を制するその心の有り様を説いているというんですね。それが「武士道」ということで、その本質は、道徳的な考え方のひとつであるようです。多分、意外に思われる方も多いかもしれません。



 インターネット番組、「世界最古の国、日本!!」とは『あっとおどろく放送局』というインターネット放送局の番組で、東條英利さんもパーソナリティーを勤めています。古事記編さん 1300 年が話題となっている昨今、世界に誇れる日本の歴史・文化・伝統・ものづくりなどを話題に、 6 人の賢者と各分野の専門家をゲストに迎え、「実はこうだった」「実はこうなっている」「実はこう変わる」などの目からうろこな真実に踏み込んでいきます。











思ったとおり、とっても楽しかったですね。 観光案内を通して、めったに会うことのない国の人たちとも会えるし、彼らの目をとうして、日本の文化や生活についても知ることが出来ます。

私が一番最初に経験者のメンバーと一緒に案内したのはイスラエルの親子でした。 お父さんと高校を卒業したばかりの双子の男の子二人でしたが、 帰国後は、軍隊に入る予定になっていて、それまでの思い出にとお父さんが子供達を日本に連れてきたみたいでした。

最初の体験が、とても印象深いゲストでしたので、この活動の楽しさにすっかり魅了されました。 いろんなことを話しましたが、とっても熱心に彼らは、私達の話を聞いてくれました。
















そうなんです。今までいろんな国の人を案内しましたが、多くの人達と今でも SNSで繋がっていたりして、時々やり取りをすることがあります。






 Don't drink !! (笑)


英語も、観光案内の知識も、もっと磨かないといけないですが、段々と自信を持って案内ができるようになってきました。 いろんな意味で余裕も出てきたので、これからはもっと楽しんでもらえるような観光案内を目指したいです。









今日初めて、オブザーバー参加しましたが、りさこさんが案内する様子を見ながら、自分も楽しむことができました。 英語も大事ですが、話す内容はもっと大事だし、なにより楽しませてあげようという姿勢が大切だと思いました。

だけど、ゲストの人たちが喜んでいるのを見るのは気分がいいですね!日本のおもてなしの気持ちを伝えることは、素晴らしいことだと思いました。 これからも時間のある時には、必ず参加したいと思います。




2020年の東京オリンピックにむけて、通訳ボランティア、通訳ガイドボランティアの活動が注目を浴びている。 今なら、まだまだ間に合います。就職にも役立つ、コミュニケーション能力と度胸がつく活動です。 ぜひ一度、オリエンテーションに参加してみてください。

(文:グローバルコミュニティー 編集長 宮崎計実)





感性の鋭かった先人達の知恵に学ぶ   東條英利氏連載コラム NO.13



東條英利氏連載コラム no.13











2018 国際紅白歌合戦 出場者インタビュー 石井・キャラアンジェラさん



1. プロフィールを教えてください。


ニックネーム: あんちゃん

出身国: フィリピン


2. 国際紅白歌合戦の出演を決めたきっかけを教えてください。




3. 今回の選曲と、その理由について (曲を通して伝えたいことがあれば)教えてください。


今回はタイタニックの主題歌、My heart will go on を歌うのですが、みんなも知っている歌ですし、私の十八番でもありとても歌いやすいからです。

4. 歌や音楽の魅力、自身の思い出 (音楽によって勇気づけられた、人との繋がりを感じた、というような経験があれば、教えてください)



5. 国際交流に対しての考え (今回のイベントで期待していること、楽しみにしていることがあれば、教えてください)



6. 国際紅白歌合戦(イベント・運営)に対して期待すること





取材担当: 畑 到奈(はた ゆきな)

